Closed Specie
The Serapher specie was created by @Lodos on TH
Main Story
Once upon a time, an exiled God was cast away on a deserted archipelago named Labyrinth. Accompanied by a mere mortal he fell in love with, they had a child, an angel, and named him Elnac.A few hundred years later, Amoniak, the father, decided to create a specie with the same power as him and rule them, out of boredom. He succeeded but his plans backfired, he ended up being attacked by his children and disappeared. Left alone, Elnac tried to avenge his father, only to fail miserably and be forgotten by everyone.
When the fallen angel turned out one million years old, a dragon never seen by anyone before came to announce him the news : when he tried to avenge his lost father, his magic bounced on a cotton plant and a rock, creating a whole new specie called Serapher and Yulina, the dragon herself. They waited for a long time before deciding to encounter him, apprehensive of his reaction, since he is legitimately their king. Elnac didn’t take long before going to the cave they were living in and created a whole kingdom, aided by Yulina, his royal counselor and most loyal subject. Hundred of years passed and one day, the king decided to leave the kingdom, without telling anyone his plans. After his departure, he sealed the entry of the cave, prohibiting anyone to come or go inside it.Since this day, Yulina has been waiting for her king at the entrance of the cave, while all the Seraphers are fighting to determine who will lead the kingdom now…
About the Seraphers
Way of living
The seraphers live as tribes, each one of them is led by one leader, under the orders of the king Elnac. Since the king is gone, now they fight each other for power. There are seven tribes in total and groups of exiled seraphers. They eat more or less anything they can find in their cave, from berries and magic flow to stone and dirt. Each serapher has a job, they can be merchants, shamans, hunter, gatherer, tanner, traveler, and more or less anything you can think of ! There are more than 3 millions of Serapher living in the cave, and each of them have a lifespan of 200 to 250 years old.
All Seraphers possess halos, indicating their magical power and their fluff is composed of cotton. The more halos they have, the more powerful they are, and if this power is too much for their bodies, they become corrupted or die.
Their magic is more powerful underground and they can see in the dark. They can also regenerate some part of their bodies. They cannot swim or go outside of the cave unless they want to be burnt alive, but for now they are trapped inside of it so it isn’t a problem.
Reference Sheets
Basic Traits
Dark Alley Traits
Discord Exclusive